
Florida Court Reporting Seminars

CCR Seminars provides a convenient, informative and affordable option for obtaining court reporting continuing education credits for Florida residents. Imagine obtaining up to 10 hours of court reporting CE credit for only $149 by attending a live online webinar from the convenience of your own Florida home or office. All you need is a computer and high-speed Internet access.

Tired of overpaying to obtain court reporting CE credits? Earn 8 or 10 hours of NCRA and/or state CE for $119 or $149.  1 CE hour = .1 NCRA CEU.

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your seminar. I got more out of your seminar than I have ever gotten out of any seminar I have ever attended. There never seems to be extra money to attend seminars. By the time you pay for the seminar, getting there, the hotel and food, it's an arm and a leg. I always seem to be scrambling to get the CEU credits when the three-year period is coming to an end. The subjects you were presenting looked interesting to me. I thought it would be a very long day, but it went fast, that was because I enjoyed it so much. I'm planning on taking your next seminar. It's like a no brainer, you're in the comfort of your own home, you don't have to travel anywhere, it costs you $99 and you receive eight credits!!! Thanks for making my life easier.         Barbara - Florida

CCR Seminars is owned and operated by a court reporter, Todd Allievi, CCR RPR RMR. Who better to learn from than a working court reporter with over 25 years experience? Todd started offering court reporting continuing education seminars for his fellow reporting professionals in 2007. He not only is a presenter himself, but carefully selects his additional presenters based on their expert knowledge and professionalism in multiple areas in order to provide valuable and helpful information for court reporters.

What if I have a question for a presenter but I am not attending in person? Simply type the question on your computer screen and click send and it will be relayed to the presenter.

What do I do if I am not available for the scheduled live seminars? Complete your court reporting CE requirements through our website’s on demand seminar section any time 24/7. We offer an extensive court reporting CE library.

NCRA seminars NCRA-approved seminars

CCR Seminars is committed to promoting, protecting, and supporting the future of the court reporting profession through education and other avenues.

CCR Seminars provides court reporting seminars that are NCRA-approved for continuing education units towards your:  RPR, RMR, CRR, CRC, CLVS, etc.

Earn 8 or 10 hours of NCRA CEU's for $119 or $149.  1 CE hour = .1 NCRA CEU

No exams, no submission forms, just sit back, listen and learn. It is that simple. Attend a live online court reporting webinar and there are no exams to take and no forms to submit to the National Court Reporters Association; CCR Seminars reports your attendance to the NCRA.

Bored with attending the same court reporting seminars year after year? Take a look at our comprehensive seminar outline and well-qualified presenters.

Tired of overpaying and traveling to court reporting seminars? CCR Seminars offers convenient live online webinars that you can attend from the comfort of your own home or office. We provide court reporters with the most affordable court reporting CEU option.

Still not sure about attending? Check out what your fellow court reporters are saying about attending a CCR Seminars court reporting seminar.